Five experiences of paranormal presences in Burgos families

In recent months and weeks, people close to me have sent me some of them, all of them very interesting and that are part of this line that everyone describes. The five testimonies that I bring to this section today are the direct experience of its protagonists.

A presence on the sofa

The first one was told to me by a co-worker a few years ago. The experience of is from her mother; in her home and in an everyday environment; in the simplicity of a house and a family.

I was at home doing household chores when M. [daré la letra inicial del nombre nada más, como en los demás casos] He fixed his gaze on the photograph of his father who had passed away a few months ago.

He turned his gaze towards a nearby sofa and with a huge surprise noticed that one of the seats sagged, as if someone had sat on it. M. noticed that next to her there was a presence so powerful that he was able to identify it. Sitting on that sofa in the living room of her house was her father.

And at that moment he felt a strange cold. Nothing common. A feeling she had never had before. It wasn’t the typical draft that forms when two facing windows are left open. Or the winter cold of a city accustomed to low temperatures. It was another cold. It was a spectral cold.

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“I knew it; It was him. And it gave me enormous peace of mind to know that he was there ». The presence of the father who had died a few weeks ago surprised this woman, but far from being frightened by him and by the unknown of this phenomenon, M. she was calm because it was her father.

Suddenly, the unframed photograph of his father that he had been looking at earlier, which was propped up against other objects on a nearby shelf, fell to the floor. It was a kind of farewell; the ghost of her father disappeared and he did not return.

The telephone rings

The second of these experiences is even more powerful due to the interaction of external elements. A.’s mother had passed away a fortnight ago. She was already an old person and had left a long family of several children and grandchildren in life. After her death, her family decided to come together one day to remember her dead mother and grandmother.

The ideal place to meet was clear: the maternal house. It was like that fold to which the flock returns to feel the shelter of the family under a common roof. A. and her brothers had already proceeded in those days to close matters related to her mother such as bank accounts, matters related to the inheritance, canceling certain services or supplies, eliminating the telephone line, etc.

They had everything ready for that fellowship meal. The table was decked out with menu items; and with feelings on the surface. The memory of the mother and grandmother was present; and she was during the whole meal. Everything was going on normally until an event, an unusual event, occurred in the dining room where the family was.

The landline phone at home began to ring. The brothers had verified before the meal that there was no telephone line because they had been shut down for weeks. But the landline phone was ringing. When I picked it up, no one was on the other side. But everyone knew that the sound of the call was from the mother.

room ghosts

The third of the cases could be framed in what in this type of phenomena is known as visitors or room ghosts. Our protagonist is N. This man has clearly and naturally perceived the presence of his grandmother in the room where he sleeps when he goes to his town.

N.’s story coincides to the millimeter with other similar experiences. “She noticed how my grandmother, when I slept, she sat on my bed,” she confessed with a certain blush. When he feels this presence, N. experiences it naturally. “It is the room of an uncle who has already died” but that figure that sits down, says N. “is my grandmother.”

But there are more things in N’s story. He assures that he felt how he “pressed on his chest” which on one occasion could have led him to extreme anguish. The most likely explanation, applying William of Occam’s reasoning, to his ‘razor’, is a physical feeling of anxiety rather than sleep paralysis.

In sleep paralysis the presence of incubi or succubi occurs. These are beings, evil spirits, who can use violence as pressure on the body and other experiences. On these occasions fear usually appears and in N., it does not occur, which leads us to deduce that it is a good spirit.

N. completes his experience by reporting that sometimes contributions can be made. «It has often happened to me desperately looking for an object, not finding it despite knowing where it is; and after a few hours, appear when he had searched hard in that place».

dead grandfather

The following experience is one of the most beautiful that can happen. S.’s grandfather had passed away two months before on a very important date, the eve of the Three Kings. The young woman was very close to her grandfather, like many of her grandchildren. A few weeks after her death, S. received a message from her grandfather. It was not in the doze before deep sleep; it was in the middle of the night.

It is at that moment that S. found out that it was his grandfather: «He came down, stayed with me and then left» and he heard the following message say «very clearly»: «Don’t worry; I’m very well. I take care of you. Pray for me». The young woman, with a relaxed and confident voice, recounts this fact as if she were living it at that moment.

The next day, S. told his father. He had been able to receive the message that came to him from his grandfather. It wasn’t really a dream. It was the voice of his grandfather who chose his eldest granddaughter to give a message to his entire family. Fascinating; and very sweet story. It is an example of communication with a good being. The young S. enjoys, without a doubt, an extraordinary sensitivity since it is her subconscious that communicates with the energy of her grandfather.

In this case, to the experience is added the link between the family and transcendence and its religiosity. And it is something important because, in addition to being a very pleasant experience, spirituality, practiced consciously, is a plus to receive this type of message of peace and goodness.

A very beautiful experience and full of coincidences with others that have been reported throughout past and present history. Undoubtedly one of the most impressive cases and one that shares a unique pattern with many people. Always the same.

In this case, and in the other experiences recounted, the person experiencing these situations is fully aware of what is happening. And for that reason, later, he counts it with total normality. These people are able to see, hear or reason perfectly, so we must consider whether or not what these people experience is a dream.

A goodbye

The last of the testimonies borders on premonitory dreams. But it is a curious manifestation because there is no family link, there was not even another type of recent personal relationship, beyond the greeting, between the two people, although there was some type of link in common tasks in the past.

B. is a nurse and has known strange cases in the hospital where she works [que pueden ser objeto de esta sección en un futuro], but on this occasion the experience has to do with a dream in which he sees how a person knocks on the door of his house; She opens and the person who called tells her when she opens: “I just stopped by to say goodbye.” The next day, when leaving home, B. sees the obituary of the person who had said goodbye to her only a few hours ago in a dream.

It is not an extrasensory experience in the style of those reported above, but it is a curious case that adds one more to this list of facts, collected in recent months. The sinking sensation of the bed when a dead person sits down, perceiving presences, receiving messages in dreams or while awake, although it may have an explanation from science, it is still an impressive, mysterious and magical experience.

The presences can scare, but they have never been a danger to those who experience the phenomenon.


Many hypotheses to explain it

Frontier sciences study these experiences; but they are not reflected in Spanish universities. Therefore any explanation remains in the field of hypotheses. Perhaps an inclusion in the academic world would give impetus to studies that are already carried out using the scientific method. It only remains to make it official.

In any case, and as long as these types of studies are not validated, we are moving through difficult terrain. And on many occasions it will be necessary to apply the simplest explanations to find the most plausible and accurate solutions.

From some schools of psychological studies, the name of hypnagogic hallucinations is attributed to this type of phenomenon. They say that they appear when sleep is known as half sleep, the transition from wakefulness to sleep. Or hypnopompic hallucinations, which appear at the time of awakening.

Although the experiences occur at night, when the person gets into bed or is about to sleep or when they wake up, it is a “timeless phenomenon”, according to Moisés Garrido. The expert in these experiences recalls that there are ancient chronicles “that record the manifestation of ‘entities’ that stalk and terrify the individual, while he suffers what is known as sleep paralysis.”

In all experiences there are repeating patterns, from physical sensations to voices or noises. Sometimes even sleep paralysis can occur, which in the case, for example, of N. and S. does not occur. When hallucinations appear in that sensation of presence and there is anxiety and apprehension, then sleep paralysis would occur.

And as in any phenomenon classified as paranormal, there is a logical explanation. But it is enough that in a single case there is no solution to justify the paranormal event. It would be necessary to replace the logical explanation with another, the empirical one, that of experience and to conclude that there is something else.

Like all areas of life, cinema and television have portrayed this world; sometimes with more success than others, but it is true that there are works of art that explain these phenomena. This fact has made it possible to popularize, which is not bad, some experiences that thousands of people have lived.

In any case, and as long as these types of studies are not validated, we are moving through difficult terrain. And on many occasions it will be necessary to apply the simplest explanations to find the most plausible and correct solutions.

From some schools of psychological studies, the name of hypnagogic hallucinations is attributed to this type of phenomenon. They say that they appear when sleep is known as half sleep, the transition from wakefulness to sleep. Or hypnopompic hallucinations, which appear at the time of awakening.

Although the experiences occur at night, when the person gets into bed or is about to sleep or when they wake up, it is a “timeless phenomenon”, according to Moisés Garrido. The expert in these experiences recalls that there are ancient chronicles “that record the manifestation of ‘entities’ that stalk and terrify the individual, while he suffers what is known as sleep paralysis.”

In all experiences there are repeating patterns, from physical sensations to voices or noises. Sometimes even sleep paralysis can occur, which in the case, for example, of N. and S. does not occur. When hallucinations appear in that sensation of presence and there is anxiety and apprehension, then sleep paralysis would occur.

And as in any phenomenon classified as paranormal, there is a logical explanation. But it is enough that in a single case there is no solution to justify the paranormal event. It would be necessary to replace the logical explanation with another, the empirical one, that of experience and to conclude that there is something else.

Like all areas of life, cinema and television have portrayed this world; sometimes with more success than others, but it is true that there are works of art that explain these phenomena. This fact has made it possible to popularize, which is not bad, some experiences that thousands of people have lived.

Five experiences of paranormal presences in Burgos families