This is how the next astrological events affect you according to each sign

Our almanac is running out of pages, which means the year is coming to a crashing end. But 2022 won’t go away without giving us a couple of final astrological jolts.

We talked with the psychologist and astrologer Carola Torres Leonwho explains how the next eclipses affect us emotionally according to each sign.

Calendar of the next eclipses 2022:

  • October 25, 2022: Solar eclipse in 2º of Scorpio
  • November 8, 2022: Full Moon eclipse at 16º Taurus Taurus Energy – Scorpio

Every six months solar and lunar eclipses exert an influence on our birth chart. During a eclipsethe Sunthe Moon and the Earth come together and produce a play of light and darkness between the Sun and the Moon. In a Solar Eclipse, the Moon covers the Sun, and the Sun is seen as a black disc that radiates some solar flare. In a lunar eclipse, the Moon crosses the shadow of the Earth, thus losing its light and sometimes taking on a reddish color.

Each eclipse belongs to a singular cycle (lunar nodes) and varies in its meaning. Every 18 and a half years the cycles are repeated. Some cycles bring blessings and insights, while others reveal breaks, mistakes we may have been hiding or unaware of. Eclipses reveal to us what we have in the shadow and manifest the darkness within the light.

Eclipses are always found in the sun signs where the lunar nodes of the year are. During 2022, the North Node (where we are going) is in Taurus and invites us to integrate energy from a new place. Taurus has to do with matter, life, healthy habits, personal values, sensuality and nature; while the South Node (what we must let go of) is in Scorpio and invites us to leave repetitive patterns behind. Scorpio has to do with energy, death, toxic habits, sexuality, our psyche, death and resurrection.

As the lunar nodes have cycles of 18 years to give us an idea of ​​how this cycle affects us, we can think about how we did in the years 2003 and 2004. We can also analyze how we did when the nodes were reversed to the current ones, reviewing what were the themes of 2012 and 2013 in our lives.

On October 25 will be the next solar eclipse in degree 2 of Scorpio, with the presence of the Sun, the Moon and Venus in conjunction. Venus is related to our desires. In the house where we have Scorpio we will want to act as we always did, we are reluctant to change and even capricious holding patterns that no longer make sense and we resist letting go.


The lunar eclipse will be on November 8 with the full Moon in Taurus at degree 16 opposite the Sun in Scorpio at the same degree. The moon will be in conjunction with Uranus, which is the planet that poses paradigm shifts. Uranus is often unpredictable and generates violent changes. They are strong eclipses that ask for imminent changes. The best we can do is think and take action.

(Carola Torres Leon)

On the other hand, during both eclipses in the sky we have a strong tension between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus that shows us that we intend to sustain the existing obsolete structure in the face of the possibility of radical change. In order for this tension not to be so painful on a personal level, it would be important to be proactively open to the new.

Another tension of the chart in both eclipses is the tension between Neptune in Pisces (unconscious patterns) and Mars in Gemini (movement, fight), Mars will also go through this point again, since it will go retrograde, ratifying the importance that You have to make this tension conscious. It suggests that we see clearly so that we can move and move forward not from an illusion but from clarity.

To understand what it brings us on a personal level, we have to look in our birth chart in which house the Taurus and Scorpio signs are found. The look is always made from the upwardthen if your ascendant*** is:

Aries rising:

Taurus in House 2: related to one’s own values, money, priorities, own body. Sensuality.

Scorpio in House 8: related to crisis, change, sex, rebirth, values ​​of the other, resilience.

Taurus Rising:

Taurus in House 1: related to oneself, ego, physical appearance, personality.

Scorpio in House 7: related to the couple, marriage, partners, rivals, the other.

Gemini Ascendant:

Taurus in House 12: related to our unconscious world, the prenatal, the hidden, rest, dreams.

Scorpio in House 6: related to our daily tasks, service, daily work, health.

Cancer Rising:

Taurus in House 11: related to our groups of belonging, projects, friends, ideals.

Scorpio in House 5: related to our creativity, games, children, boyfriends.

Leo Ascendant:

Taurus in House 10: related to professional success, our public image, career, status.

Scorpio in House 4: related to our house, where we come from, our roots, family.

Virgo Rising:

Taurus in House 9: related to our higher education, our beliefs, faith, travel, other cultures or customs.

Scorpio in House 3: related to our circle, siblings, neighbors, close friends, our communication.

Libra Rising:

Taurus in House 8: related to crisis, change, sex, rebirth, values ​​of the other, resilience.

Scorpio in House 2: related to one’s own values, money, priorities, own body. Sensuality.

Scorpio Rising:

Taurus in House 7: related to the couple, marriage, partners, rivals, the other.

Scorpio in House 1: related to oneself, physical, personality, self, ego.

Sagittarius Rising:

Taurus in House 6: related to day to day, service, daily work, health.

Scorpio in House 12: related to our dreams, unconscious, confinement, prenatal.

Capricorn Ascendant:

Taurus in House 5: related, children, boyfriends, play, creativity.

Scorpio in House 11: related to our groups of belonging, spiritual teachers, projects, group of friends.

Aquarius Ascendant:

Taurus in House 4: related to our house, our roots, family.

Scorpio in House 10: related to our public image, career, status.

Pisces Ascendant:

Taurus in House 3: related to our closest circle, siblings, neighbors, environment, ideas, our communication.

Scorpio in House 9: related to our higher education, our beliefs, faith, travel, other cultures or customs.

Let’s live these next eclipses proactively, Taurus has to do with our mother earth and since 2018, with the entry of Uranus into Taurus, we are seeing issues related to nature, the environment; money, values. We come from years with a lot of tension and it depends on us how the next few years will be. Let’s put a lot of light on it!

*** In most astrological charts, the Taurus-Scorpio axis is as I described it, for more security: locate the 2nd degree of Scorpio and Taurus for the eclipse of October 25, and the 16th degree of Scorpio and Taurus for the eclipse of November 8.

If you want to get in touch with Carola, this is her website:

This is how the next astrological events affect you according to each sign