They have to read From ‘7

CORPRESSGiannella Villarreal has published three books: ‘Dzarkon 1– A Fuego y Vidrio’ (novel, 2016), ‘Realidades Narcolepticas’ (stories, 2021) and ‘De 7-ntimientos y más… entre rosa y escarlata’. (novel, 2022).

Giannella Villarreal is a Panamanian who has become a sower of words. And this year she has another book blooming to the delight of her readers. Is about “Of 7-timings and more… between roses and scarlet”, a compendium of seven romantic-themed mini-novels that came out in May and will be presented this year at the Book Fair.

When was the idea of ​​writing this book born?

“It was born after writing the ‘Dzarkon’ tetralogy, exploring my dream side, which sometimes turns out to be quite romantic”.

How difficult was it to write this novel compared to your previous book?

“Perhaps what really cost me was giving a touch of reality to what my brain invents to give it feasibility.”

What themes are included apart from love?

“Everyday life, fantasy, spirituality, values, some horror and science fiction and a lot of humor. Those genres are in my DNA. In life we ​​come across different types of people who participate and shape our lives. That’s what I’m trying to express.”

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How long did it take you to write this work?

“I think a couple of months. When I write the ideas take some time to take shape. Then comes the polishing period. That’s what really takes.”

What do you like more, writing a novel or a storybook?

“It depends on the ‘mood’ and what my brain comes up with. I let it flow as an independent entity. Sometimes material comes out for a novel, sometimes for a short story and sometimes even for a tetralogy”.

Which of all the chapters do you think will draw the most attention from your readers?

“Desire. I think many will be able to identify with the main character.”

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How has the acceptance been with your books?

“In 2016 with ‘Dzarkon’ it was very good. The 2022 fair will be my second physical experience with two books.”

What comments have you received about this new novel?

“Very positive. I have received various comments about the characters and the plot of each writing. Some have felt identified both with the characters and with the situations that are narrated”.

Where can they get your books?

“At the moment with me.”

What kind of people is your latest novel aimed at?

“To all kinds of human beings who enjoy romance.”

which are your future plans?

“Publishing the complete ‘Dzarkon’ tetralogy and continuing to write the second part of ‘7-ntimientos’. In fact, I have several books in draft.”


He has published three books: ‘Dzarkon 1– A Fuego y Vidrio’ (novel, 2016), ‘Narcoleptic Realities’ (stories, 2021) and ‘De 7-intimientos y más… entre rosaes y escarlata’. (novel, 2022).

The cover was created by Ericka Sánchez, painter, illustrator and creative.

They have to read From ‘7-timings and more… between roses and scarlet’