Synchronicities: what do these “signs” mean and how to live with them on a daily basis?

This article was published in the magazine #36 September-October 2021
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To experience synchronicity is to offer yourself the opportunity to realize yourself by welcoming the events that arise when you need them, in response to your deepest thoughts and your existential questions. This is the case, for example, when you meet the love of your life by missing your train, or when an unexpected cash inflow corresponds to the exact amount of training you would like to follow. Life then sprinkles the daily life with magical moments that take on the appearance of happy coincidences and make you glimpse the path to the extraordinary.

Jung and the Golden Beetle

This principle of synchronicity was highlighted by the famous Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung. He defines it as the simultaneous occurrence of two independent events, which are not in a causal relationship, but connected by a meaning.

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Jung witnessed, during his psychoanalysis sessions, spectacular synchronicities, such as that of the golden beetle. One of her patients had a tendency to over-rationalize what was happening to her, thus rendering her analysis ineffective. One day she told of a dream in which she received a golden beetle as a gift. Suddenly, a noise was heard at the window. Jung went to see: “Here is your beetle”, he said, catching the insect that had come to bang against the window. It was a rose chafer, a European version of the gold beetle. The shock felt at this sight generated a mental release that greatly helped his patient in the pursuit of her therapy.

Identify synchronicity

Think back to a happy coincidence that happened in your life, and with the help of these four clues, check if it is synchronicity:
– There was no logical cause, you connected these events by meaning, in connection with your needs and your intentions.
– You felt a strong emotional impact and felt like you were connected to something bigger than yourself.
– You were going through a moment of transition, a blocked situation in which you needed a helping hand.
– It had a transformative power by making evident the need to change attitudes, to adopt a different way of life. This realization marked a “before” and an “after” in your history.

Expand your focus

Take a curious look at your day by being attentive to these mischievous winks that await you. Subtle or obvious, these ephemeral messages are so precious that they deserve that you open a notebook to deposit them. You will see that the more you notice these significant coincidences, the more they will multiply to meet your basic needs and give meaning to your life. By being connected to the wisdom of the collective unconscious, you will move objective reality and discover that everything becomes a movement conducive to fulfillment.

Play with synchronicities

Have fun with these synchronicities by practicing, for example, the game of the book. Ask yourself a question, then closing your eyes, open a random book. Let your fingers run, then stop at a specific point. Open your eyes and discover the text that appears to you. What are your first feelings, thoughts, associations?

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The sidewalk game can also send you an unexpected message by connecting you with a symbol or a situation. Take a walk, your senses alert, and write down sentences, words, numbers that seem to bloom on the surface of reality like soap bubbles: a number on a jogger’s T-shirt, snippets of conversation picked up randomly, a poem in the subway, a chalk drawing on a sidewalk, a magazine forgotten on a bench… So many little nudges that can help you find an answer to your questions.

Let go of the mind

Play this treasure hunt, but don’t make it a fixed idea! When synchronicity occurs, we are often like someone who has a hammer in her hand and sees nails everywhere. By essence mysterious, it invites you on the contrary to welcome the unexpected, by accepting not to control everything to let yourself be surprised by the magic of the moment and these proposed encounters.

Welcome these offered signs with gratitude and observe, amazed, the unfolding of the world. The more this caring attention manifests within you, the more your positive neurological and emotional circuits are stimulated, which creates new behavioral patterns. They then put you in resonance with a universal consciousness, that of theUnus Mundus alchemists, this One World in which matter and spirit are in close interaction and can exchange with each other.

Connect to the Universe

Allow yourself to think and dream of the extraordinary, the wonderful, the impossible. Swap your “Yes, but…” for “What if…”. Allow yourself to solicit this pure consciousness that connects you to this universal I, where EVERYTHING is not only possible, but where EVERYTHING already exists and only needs intention to come to you. For intention seems to be analogous to a tuning fork, making other things in the Universe resonate at the same frequency.

By positively using the power of intention, letting this vibration align with the flow of the Universe, you will then experience a series of synchronicities that will guide you towards the best.

Our author

Françoise Dorn was a psychotherapist and trainer. Today, she writes and lectures. His book The magic of synchronicities was published by Jouvence editions.

Synchronicities: what do these “signs” mean and how to live with them on a daily basis?