Stellita and her guardian angel: A book on family inclusion and Down syndrome

In this fourth book by Tere Domínguez O., we are taught that Down Syndrome does not limit either the people who have this condition or their caregivers. She reveals how love and family bonding can be cultivated around people with this condition.

In his new book, Stellita and her guardian angel, the author Tere Domínguez O. tells us about the life of a girl with Down Syndrome who is born into a large family and from the first day begins to fill her with love and blessings. Her author has been able to give her story a touch of spirituality.

In Panama there are no statistics on people who are born with Down Syndrome. In the United States, however, the frequency is estimated to be 1 in 700 people, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This condition appears in people who have an extra chromosome, specifically 21. Chromosomes are small packages that contain all of our genetic material, which results in changes in development and physical characteristics related to this condition.

In this fourth book by Tere Domínguez O., we are taught that Down Syndrome does not limit either the people who have this condition or their caregivers. On the contrary, this story reveals how love and family bonding can be cultivated around people with this condition.

The author was accompanied by Luis Yslas Prado, editor of the book, who traveled from Lima, Peru, for the occasion. Also by Silvia Fernández-Risco, since the book bears her Modus Ludicus seal and she was in charge of the artistic direction. The moderator of the presentation was Ameth Valencia, who is a reading promoter.

Regarding the process of creating the book, Silvia Fernández-Risco mentioned: “Tere Domínguez has the quality of knowing how to work as a team and spreading her enthusiasm and passion for her projects. This creates a creative synergy that favors the achievement of a book with a well-told and beautifully illustrated story”.

In turn, he commented that it addresses a deep topic such as family inclusion and Down Syndrome, in a way that allows the reader to empathize with the character of Stellita. For me, the main thing is that a personal story, as is the case of Stellita’s life within the Rojas Pardini family, is transformed into a universal story.

The Down Panama Foundation collaborated with the author in making the video for the book, as well as in the planning of the inclusion activity that will take place on Saturday, August 20 at 3:00 pm as part of the children’s program of the Panama International Book Fair. They are also authorized book dealers.

The president of the Down Panama Foundation, Marta Vernaza, stated that the book Stellita and her Guardian Angel is the first written and illustrated Panamanian work aimed at children and families. It can be considered as a tool of love to explain Down Syndrome and inclusion to children and fill parents who receive a baby with this condition with hope. Its simple language and beautiful illustrations will take the reader to the wonderful and loving world of Stellita.

Regarding her most recent publication, Tere Domínguez O. pointed out that with Stellita and her guardian angel he hopes the lesson, both for adults and children, is that inclusion begins in the family. “Inclusion is born of love for all its members equally, who must adapt to the needs of each one through respect for differences. I hope it will be a guide for those families where a child is born with a special condition, that everything is possible, life goes on if love, attention and help are given to that new being”, the author pointed out.

A true life story

Stellita Rojas Pardini was the inspiration for this book. She was the youngest of 6 siblings in the family of the author’s husband, who passed away on May 3, 2021 at the age of 58.

Likewise, with this book, Tere Domínguez O. wanted to honor her in-laws, who wisely and perseveringly practiced family inclusion, as well as thank all those who care for people with disabilities.

“I wish God that we could always have by our side a pure soul capable of giving love unconditionally as Stellita did,” said the author.

When Stellita Rojas Pardini was born in 1962, little was known about Down Syndrome and, therefore, there was not much information to help prepare these people for their insertion into society. They did not attend regular schools and there were no adequate programs to facilitate their integration. But today this has changed. It is now known that, with a lot of love, work, attention and help, these people can join the social life and carry out multiple activities and even complete studies up to the university degree or more advanced.

The illustrations of Stellita and her guardian angel They are from Alyna Izquierdo, who knew how to recreate the essence of the real character throughout the book. It was a very dedicated job in which the author was closely involved, providing photos and videos. It should be noted that this is the first illustrated book on this subject in Panama.

The new work that calls for a conversation about Down Syndrome and to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities in Panama.

Stellita and her guardian angel: A book on family inclusion and Down syndrome