HBO Max: “Mom for a while”, the challenge of knowing how to say goodbye

The Day of the Dead is by far one of the most colorful traditions in our country, but also one of the festivities that lends itself the most to humor, starting from the sensitivity and respect that the subject deserves, and he knows that very well. filmmaker Noe Santillánwho in his most recent film “Mom for a while”takes up this celebration to, from comedy and reflection, ask the viewer what happens to family relationships when someone has transcended to another plane and watches us from “the beyond”.

The movie “Mom for a while” arrives tomorrow exclusively at HBO Maxheaded by the first actress Carmen Beato, who plays “Editha mother who, excited to return to the world of the living during the Day of the Dead, finds her three adult children: Ophelia” (Dat Alexander), “Oscar” (Gustavo Egelhaaf) and “Rafa” (José Eduardo Derbez)made a real mess with countless financial and work problems and not knowing which direction to take to succeed in life.

Puzzled by the difficulties of her children and seeing how all her efforts as a mother to give them the best future are about to be thrown overboard, “Edith” manages to be able to “return” to her children and put things in orderhowever, this peculiar experience will make her recognize that in life she was an apprehensive mother, controlling and perhaps a little responsible for the family chaos that now torments her from “the beyond”.

“Your mom is your mom and she will always take care of you, she will always love you, no one is going to look after you and be like your mom. It is something so common in all of us, or in the vast majority, that many times love becomes control, a bit suffocating and not letting children go to develop, to learn to be alone”, shares Beato in an interview with THE REPORTER.

A comedy to reflect

Regarding the heavy emotional burden that her character “Edith” has in the plot, because even dead she cannot find eternal rest knowing that her children are in serious trouble, Carmen Beato emphasizes that “Mom for a while” is very much a reflection of how family problems are faced. “There are times that instead of educating, mothers try to solve everything, but for love, and it is a big mistake, but it is something that happens. The family relationship is natural, it is true, that you fight, they love you, you claim, the mother is desperate with the children. It’s like life itself, it’s what I liked”.

José Eduardo Derbez plays “Rafa”, a frustrated actor stuck in the past when he became a great child starpoints out that the film represented a great acting challenge, because for “Edith” to be able to communicate with her children in the world of the living, they as actors could not establish direct contact with Carmen Beato despite being on the same film set .

“There was a scene in which I ran in and then turned to see her —Carmen— and they told me no, no, we had to do the scene again. It was the most difficult, because the most normal thing is that you turn when someone speaks to you, you cannot turn to the other side, ”she points out.

Gustavo Egelhaaf plays “Óscar”, the son of “Edith”, who is about to divorcehighlights that from his character a subtle criticism is also put into perspective about how on some occasions “masks” are used to reflect a perfect life.

“I was amused by the idea of ​​this guy who thinks he is spiritual, because he is not. I feel that as brothers they are trying to hide the pain they feel for the loss of their mother, and ‘Óscar’ clings to spirituality, he is not a professional, he says he is a life-coach, his life becomes chaotic. He gave me a bit of pleasure to be able to make fun of that side that is very fashionable ”.


Do not miss it

“Mom for a while” arrives tomorrow on the HBO Max platform, which incidentally reinforces its offer of productions born in Mexico.



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HBO Max: “Mom for a while”, the challenge of knowing how to say goodbye