Fernando Rivera Calderón investigates the creation of the universe in his new book

Fernando Rivera Calderon has spent much of his life reflecting on the idea of ​​God and spirituality, and guided by that wrote the book “The Ambiguous Testament”where he reflects on the origin of time.

“It has to do with passions and obsessions that I have had throughout my life, related to religion, faith, and the mythologies that we have as a human species,” he said in an interview. “How in all the religions that have existed there are common symbols that link us, that has obsessed me since I was very young.”

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The book It raises how God lived the creation of the universe, when everything was silent and suffered from a creative block. The Author it sought to include all creatures, all instants, all religions, and all feelings, as well as “instructions” to make a Big Bang.

The author qualifies his creative process as something free and playful, because somehow his construction site addresses that topic. In his opinion, it is a way of presenting a more earthly deity, who shares flaws with human beings.

“I humanize the character of God to talk about the theme of creation, it seems very important to me. Create and believe are two words that are not alike by chance, in creation there is always an act of faith”.

“Everything that ever exists was imagined, at least that which corresponds to us humanseverything in this world before existing was imagined, I want to think that the same universeour planets and stars were imagined by Godand it makes me laugh to think that he could have had a creative block like any mere mortal, “he added.

When asked what he thinks the opinion of God about his own creation, he becomes thoughtful, because he regrets that humanity feels very safe of having been here on earth for too long, and therefore no longer seeks to amend its mistakes and be the best version of itself.

“You wake up on a day like today with the News that have burned women and there is a violence that connects us more with the age of the caves than with this time, apparently very technological and progressive. God I would not be satisfied with his work, especially if it focuses on what touches us human beings, but I think it is a construction site which is still in process.”

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In addition to the release of this bookFernando continues celebrating the 20 years of his band, monochordand it does so with a new diskrecorded during their anniversary concert, and the promise of new projects.

“”The album is a Photography emotion of that unforgettable night. She has almost all of our hits and some songs new, it will be the prelude to new music”, he finished.

Fernando Rivera Calderón investigates the creation of the universe in his new book