Delivered to the New Age, “a shadow” began to follow her: “I came into contact with Satan and worshiped him”

the of Maria Eugenie It is one more of the hundreds of cases in which a happy and promising childhood is cut short by family breakdown. In his case, he remembers that both in his childhood and in his adolescence he had “a strong desire” for God in his life, as a result of the education received by his mother. But her parents’ separation from her completely disarmed her. After a severe depression went to the New Age looking for peace and consolation, without knowing that, deep down, I would be “worshiping satan“.

If María Eugenia keeps a memory of her childhood with special affection, it is that of her mother reminding her of the importance of her first communion, of the meaning of the lit candle next to the tabernacle or of “receiving Jesus” whenever she could.

That education would allow him to face a traumatic divorce from the age of ten, trying to cling to faith and convinced of wanting a life with God.

Nevertheless, Explain that as the years passed, the absence of a pattern regarding the life of faith or a hostile environment in college and university “weakened the columns” of his Christian life, which finally rejected by having to choose between God or his partner.

Weakness was followed by indifference and this by rejection aggravated by severe depression and anxiety attacks.

“Once I entered a church, I heard the priest speak and suddenly I felt that he did not say anything to me. I only felt empty and although I wanted him to come back, I rejected him, blaming him for my depression and to make me believe that it existed”, he affirms.

“The Beginning of Doom”

Years would pass and a long Calvary until he was aware that at that moment it was “the beginning of perdition”.

And with some self-help and New Age books recommended by her therapist, comfort came. Or at least what she believed was the comfort promised by the New Age, convinced that it would take away the suffering.

But the books were no longer enough and one of the first “workshops” held in Madrid on reconnection arrived, a supposed method of “inner healing”.

“At first they explained to us that to know that it was being done well we had to see a ‘register’ in the person, like the eyelids moving,” he says.

It was at that moment that he began to harbor the suspicion that those books and the practice of the New Age “end up leading to absolute evil”: suddenly about five people they began to bounce a lot on the stretcher involuntarily, making impossible moves between strange laughter and even claiming to have seen deceased relatives.

But if there is one thing the New Age does in a barely perceptible way, it is to numb consciousness, so that fear and resistance are reduced.

That is why María Eugenia was not scared, at least at first. She continued reading from her, even from authors considered “dangerous” such as the founder of the School of the Arcane, Ann Bailey.

A woman doing yoga.

Yoga is one of the main ways to enter the New Age, and although it is considered a harmless practice, it can mean the opening of esoteric doors of this current.

Strange dreams and unexplained bumps

“Strange things had already happened to me and I had strange dreams but with this book I managed to align the chakras and unite with the whole”, he explains. He remembers the experience as something “wonderful” until, after hours passed, peace turned into anguish, hearing unexplained knocks in your room for days and nights followed.

Far from diminishing, the strange occurrences only increased with time. “He had opened many esoteric doors, but the most decisive factor for the danger he was running was that I not only believed the content [de los libros y cursos de Nueva Era], but i loved him“, he recounts.

He had a special predilection for a course in miracles, by Helen Schucman, a famous book in New Age circles but criticized for its imitation of the New Testament. Precisely for this reason, she aroused Maria Eugenia’s nostalgia, as well as her doubts about the path she had taken.

This is how the “triggers” that motivated his reflection began.

And the first was the sanctuary of Fatima, where she went “out of curiosity” with her boyfriend, of Muslim origin but not practicing at the time.

Seeing the chapel, I felt that I needed to pray. He didn’t believe in anything but he invited me to do it and [después de años], I dared to go to the prie-dieu and pray. It was only five minutes, in which I remember telling the Virgin how lost she was,” she recalls.

In full spiritual combat, María Eugenia I desperately wanted to return to the faith, but he no longer remembered anything about Christ. He alone had the disfigured image presented by the manual of a course in miraclesas his life “began to collapse”.

“I knew that I suffered because of the books and I tried not to suffer, but I did it because I didn’t have what my heart desired. I began to cry inconsolably and praying I said: ‘God, I want you to exist, but I can’t create you,'” she says. .

It could imply a contradiction, but she did not know it, since a good part of the Eastern practices included in the New age they indoctrinate their followers that reality does not exist by itself, but is created by man himself.

And María Eugenia had recognized that she “was nobody” to define Christ. “To affirm that she could not create him was to recognize that she needed him, because he is the only thing that gives plainness and peace to our hearts“.

In the midst of confusion, he debated whether to return to a church to pray or continue reading the Ccourse of miraclesloaded with terms “taken from the New Testament that say otherwise but in a beautiful way that invites you to believe that it is something Catholic”.

Desperate screams and a presence “that hated me”

As he progressed with the Gradethe experiences increased.

“I went to bed to sleep and listened desperate voices screamingbut I loved that book because I believed it came from Jesus and I had trusted everything it said,” he says.

However, the book especially caught his attention when he read on one of its pages that it said “Son of God, do not cling to the old, rough and pathetic cross“.

Despite having been away from the faith for years, María Eugenía had no choice but to reject that statement: “At that moment I saw as if something appeared to the side in front of me. I knew that there was something dark, a kind of shadow that hated me and wished me ill“.

A shadow.

Desperately screaming voices, lamentations at night, strange and terrifying dreams, shadows full of hate that wished him harm… these are just some of the episodes he suffered after entering the New Age and that, according to exorcists, are the first signs of demonic presences.

Coincidentally, hours before that event, he happened to see a YouTube video that explained why a Catholic should stay away from the New Age. Afterwards, the social network algorithm did the rest showing similar videos.

Nine years later, María Eugenia had just understood that “by entering the New Age she had done the last thing she wanted in life, come in contact with Satan and worship him“.

Repentant, she looked back and remembered “what she had to do” to amend her life, read the Bible and catechism, go to Confession and the other sacraments and form a practically nullified conscience, incapable of “rejecting the evil or misery of the world”.

The Antichrist, but with “pretty words”

Some time later, María Eugenia learned how close she had come to “absolute evil” when, upon reading the Demon Sum From Father Fortea she learned that one of the levels of diabolic affectation is precisely what happened to her: hearing voices, feeling presences and seeing shadows.

It took him years to return to a life of full faith, but in doing so he became aware of what faith really is. New erawhich he defines as “the Antichrist presented with beautiful words” and that is present in many areas: sports, food, spirituality, health, psychology, business… even in quantum physics.

What to do in the face of an advance that seems unstoppable? The one who for years was a victim of the New Age explains that like her, many today fall “because of a total ignorance of our religion.”

We have to know the faith. Nothing can be added or subtracted from the Word of God, the complete Truth has already been revealed and the custody of the Church. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever and will never be changed. As far as this world is concerned, there will always be some suffering, but it is the way to reach Him, to hold on to a cross that is neither old nor pathetic, but makes us like Him“, he concludes.

Delivered to the New Age, “a shadow” began to follow her: “I came into contact with Satan and worshiped him”