3 great spiritual leaders with a lot of influence today

3 great spiritual leaders with a lot of influence today

Last update: 20 October, 2017

We live in a time somewhat desert, where the great spiritual leaders have been disappearing. There were times when particularly evolved people were a reference to find lights that hinted the way. His presence and his word had great relevance. They were listened to and partly admired.

Today several of those spiritual leaders have been replaced by figures of the show. Many people take as a model or as a point of reference a soccer player or a character on television or social networks. The “influencers” set guidelines and trends and there are not a few who follow them. The content no longer matters so much, it has gone into the background, the important thing is the form, the dressing.

If a problem can be fixed, if something can be done about a situation, then there is no need to worry. If it’s not correctable, then there’s no use worrying. There is no benefit in worrying”.

-Dalai Lama-

Despite all this, there are some figures almost all of religious origin, which continue to have the power to influence the consciences of many. It is not only their investiture that makes them spiritual leaders. They also provide a lucid look at the contemporary world. They are admired and respected even by those who do not share their beliefs. These are three of them.

1. The Dalai Lama, a transcendent spiritual leader

The Dalai Lama became the symbol of endurance peaceful tibetans. For his people, this man is the fourteenth reincarnation of the Dalai Lama and, therefore, the spiritual leader of his community. He has lived in exile for most of his life, since 1950 when China occupied Tibet.

As a refugee, he proposed a policy that he called the “middle way.” The central message of it is the violence and reconciliation. He claims independence for his people and is willing to go to the ultimate consequences to achieve it, but always proposing dialogue as a means.

got the award laureate of Peace in 1989. His great achievement is to keep the issue of Tibet’s independence alive. And, of course, that of having been consistent with his speech, even in the most critical moments of the conflict with his people.

2. Pope Francis

Mario Bergolio is the Supreme Pontiff of the Catholic Church. However, unlike many of his predecessors, from the first day of his “reign” he has maintained a critical attitude towards his own church. In fact, he chose the name “Francis” to honor Saint Francis of Assisi and, on his behalf, poverty.

Francis has rejected several of the privileges that corresponded to him as Pope. He lives in the Vatican, in the same residence as the other religious. He has consistently refused to wear symbols of wealth or enjoy special comforts.

The most interesting thing about his thought is that it means a grand opening. His approaches to atheism, women, divorce and homosexuality have made him a target of criticism within the most conservative sectors. However, he is increasingly establishing himself as one of the greatest spiritual leaders in the world.

3. Deepak Chopra

Deepak Chopra is an Indian physician and writer who has written several of the most widely read books in the world. during the last decades. His central theme is the power of the mind in medical healing. His thinking is very influenced by religion, but, according to him, also by quantum physics.

His postulates are based on Ayurveda Medicine and from this he has managed to introduce new paradigms in medical sciences. His approaches are followed by millions of people in the world. It has also sparked sharp controversy, due to an apparent lack of scientific rigor in his claims.

Chopra has become one of the most influential spiritual leaders because his approaches call for a change of life. His ideas about meditation The connection of energy with the universe has already penetrated deeply into its followers. Love also occupies a fundamental place in his thinking.

The world needs more spiritual leaders and fewer “influencers”. The former are the fruit of wisdom, lucidity and kindness. The latter are a product of the market, whose main purpose is to generate profits. We live in confusing times, where the great paradigms have fallen and everyone seems to be left to their fate. That is why these types of figures contribute a lot to that search process in which we are all immersed in some way.

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3 great spiritual leaders with a lot of influence today