“Father Pio? A giant of the Spirit. And San Giovanni Rotondo, a world crossroads of faith “

It was to be Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples and President of Caritas Internationalis to preside over the Eucharistic concelebration for the twentieth anniversary of the canonization of Saint Pio of Pietrelcinaat 11.30, in the new church dedicated to the Saint, built in San Giovanni Rotondo on … Read more

La Russa: “My first love for a Jewish girl” | CultureIdentity

Ignazio La Russa is about to become the second position in the state: we propose the cult interview that Edoardo Sylos Labini made to the future President of the Senate in 2015 on the occasion of the Riccione Incontra review: because the interviews on life are evergreen (Editorial) Mephistophelic voice and an indestructible, angelic passion … Read more

The New World

With his films Terrence Malick he explored themes such as transcendence, nature and the conflicts between reason and instinct. They are works typically characterized by extensive philosophical and spiritual reflections, as well as by the use of meditative voiceovers of the protagonists. To bring out the thematic heart of his works, Malick therefore shuns solid … Read more

Albert Serra : ā€Il y a une seule loi sur mes tournagesĀ : on ne coupe jamaisā€

Postcolonialisme, menace nuclĆ©aire, vacuitĆ© de la parole politique, nĆ©opuritanismeā€¦ Avec ā€œPacifictionā€, Albert Serra filme magnifiquement les derniĆØres lueurs dā€™un paradis perdu. Entretien avec le cinĆ©aste catalan, qui a illuminĆ© leĀ dernier Festival de Cannes. OnĀ ne lā€™avait pas vu venir. AprĆØs une demi-douzaine dā€™objets cinĆ©matographiques exigeants, flirtant avec lā€™installation dā€™art contemporain et Ć  la marge des projecteurs … Read more

Placido: ā€œGrateful to Naples, the city that made itself available for my L’Ombra di Caravaggioā€ | Video

ā€œWe are in Naples to personally thank you for how you are welcoming Caravaggio’s L’Ombra. Naples was providential for the film making us feel at home in the middle of Covid in a delicate moment. We stayed here for a month and we worked very well. Thank you “are the words of Michele Placido when … Read more

Gad ElmalehĀ : Ā«Ā Cā€™est un acte dā€™amour de prendre le risque de se tromperĀ Ā»

La Croix Lā€™Hebdo : Dans Reste un peu, en salles le 16 novembre, votre personnage, un Gad Elmaleh trĆØs lĆ©gĆØrement dĆ©calĆ©, juif sĆ©farade de Casablanca, demande le baptĆŖme. Avez-vous le sentiment de prendre un risque avec ce film ? Gad Elmaleh : Tout le monde me pose cette question. Jusque-lĆ , je nā€™avais pas lā€™impression de … Read more

FAI, censimento ‘I luoghi del cuore’: ecco la classifica provvisoria dei luoghi piĆ¹ votati in Campania

FAI, censimento ā€˜I luoghi del cuoreā€™: ecco la classifica provvisoria dei luoghi piĆ¹ votati in Campania. Si puĆ² votare fino al 15 dicembre Mancano poche settimane alla conclusione della 11ĀŖ edizione de ā€œI Luoghi del Cuoreā€, il piĆ¹ grande censimento spontaneo del patrimonio culturale italiano promosso dal FAI ā€“ Fondo per lā€™Ambiente Italiano ETS in … Read more

Une guerre dans la religionĀ ? 10 points sur la dimension confessionnelle de l’invasion de l’Ukraine

Auteur Jean-BenoĆ®t Poulle Image Ā© AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka Date 8 mars 2022 Ajouter Article ajoutĆ© TĆ©lĆ©charger le PDF Partager 1 ā€” Lā€™invalidation de la thĆ©orie huntingtonienne du choc des civilisations Que lā€™Ukraine soit Ć©tymologiquement une Ā«Ā Ā marcheĀ Ā Ā», une rĆ©gion frontaliĆØre, se vĆ©rifie aussi dans le domaine religieux. Les fractures confessionnelles, auxquelles il ne faut certes pas … Read more