Standing ovation for Pierluigi Tortora in Caserta

Standing ovation for Pierluigi Turtledove, much appreciated theater actor, in the role of ZiFonso, last night at “Our Lady of Loudes”. The dramatization of the work, like the entire screenplay, is the work of Pierluigi Tortora himself, who performed his theatrical creation, a true masterpiece, in the parish of Don Antonello Giannotti, crowded with spectators, with his nose up without getting lost. a single line of ZiFonso, a single word of the persuasive monologue, of the story told by the great actor of Caserta origin. A warm and heartfelt applause echoed for a long time in the parish of via Kennedy, at the end of the representation that tells of the life of a great priest, of a lovable and humble priest, Don Alfonso Afano, a Salesian priest who was director, in the sixties. , of the then Salesian Institute of Caserta. ZiFonso, it is clear from the learned and careful monologue, was a worthy heir of Don Bosco, who like him, in his priestly life, always worked to help the youngest, those in greatest difficulty. In Naples as in Caserta as in Rome. In the seductive narration of Pierluigi Tortora, characterized by delicate tones and strong impact, the figures of great Caserta people emerged, such as Fausto Mesolella, the young man who at all costs wanted to learn to play a guitar that ZiFonso bought him, and who also imagined to play the drums by striking an old wooden door. Young man who has received national certifications in the field of music. And that of Mimmo Mingione, a young journalist who, as a teenager, wrote chronicles of football and basketball matches, who then, still beardless, read himself as his only reader, only to then rise to high levels of sports journalism and also as a presenter of the Squirrel d’oro, a sort of “Zecchino d’oro” from Caserta, always created by Don Alfonso Afano, known by all as ZiFonso, to cheer children and families. A story that says a lot about the way of doing and conceiving Youth Ministry, of being with young people and helping them to grow, and to make their dreams possible, without letting them go away, sometimes turning their backs without even slamming the door and losing them. forever, as told by Don Michele Falambretti, National President for Youth Pastoral, in one of his meetings in Caserta, a few days ago, to indicate to the local Church the right path to follow to involve young people from Caserta, so as not to lose them, and offer them moments of aggregation and rapprochement with the Church, to guarantee them an existence worthy of a heart wisely raised to spirituality.

Ernesto Genoni

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Standing ovation for Pierluigi Tortora in Caserta