Sestri: Theaters of Levante, the program

From Carmen Falcone, artistic direction of events and coordination of Theaters of Levante, president of the Cultural Association “The Hub”

Theaters of Levante 2022 edition – Sestri Levante

Before Covid, the stage of Teatri di Levante was a succession of excellent artists: from Lella Costa, Antonio Ornano, Maurizio Lastrico, The Lost Subjects, Pino Petruzzelli, Napo ……. And many others.
Several artists hosted in recent years.
Lots of theater, but not only.
Some known more through television and cinema, others less known because the theater alone is often territorial.

After 11 years of cultural commitment as an Association in the area and 6 this year of Teatri di Levante, the time has come to dare with a decidedly difficult bet:
to choose professional actors almost exclusively from the theater and together with these to tackle current issues of great depth.
Also this year we will range from theater to music, photography, literature and reading and we will start with a book.
Together we will once again approach the theme of the woman with its marvelous and tortuous facets, told mainly by women on stage.
We will know the humor and irony of a young woman in the face of love and relationship, and soon after we will meet the violence and manipulation on the woman, and again the dualism of love, loneliness and hatred, spirituality, religion and desecration, anorexia and bulimia, but also a lot of love, and the strong sense of motherhood.
Perhaps a tiring journey, but one to go through, in order to never forget the greatness of women.

We will leave together from the most beautiful corners of Sestri Levante on July 1st, in the height of summer, and we will walk the streets of autumn, until the gates of winter… in search of beauty.

And it starts with a book

A thousand ways of: Friday 1 July 6 pm Terrazza del Fico, Bay of Silence “The footprints of Eve”, a novel by Arianna Dagnino.
(“It was there that, for the first time, he had experienced the mighty force of the geographical void, that non-place where it is possible, say the Bushmen, to hear the song of the stars”).
Zoe is an Afrikaner paleoanthropologist in a South Africa torn by apartheid ethnic divisions. Still distraught by the violent death of her partner, Zoe enters the Kalahari Desert in search of traces of a common ancestor for mankind. Her studies are intertwined with her personal search for herself and with the shadowy history of her family and an entire country. Religion and modernity, science and shamanism, natural beauty and horrors of war meet and confront each other in the light of the fossil footprints of the first female of Homo sapiens.)
The author intervenes with professor Giulia Marseglia.

The first theater appointment follows, entering the heart of the format with a hilarious comic monologue.

Sunday 3rd July 9pm Conchiglia Theater “I leave you because I ran out of oxytocin” by and with Giulia Pont.
(Giulia will try to heal her lovesickness by experiencing the therapeutic power of theater in a crazy way: the audience will become her therapist. A hilarious and engaging chat where thoughts, emotions, disastrous rapprochement maneuvers and improbable advice from relatives and friends s ‘intertwine.)

Friday 8th July 9pm Conchiglia Theater: “Be it moon, or sun, or what you please” reinterpretation of “The Taming of the Shrew” by WS by Nino Faranna and Karin Rossi. Produzioni Polveri di Scena (a proposal by Lorenzo Capineri, actor Sestrino transplanted to Milan, assistant director: “But what is Shakespeare saying to us now with this text? And what can we answer to him? On the one hand, Bianca and Lucenzio lead us to ask ourselves what love really is, if there is any sentiment under the typical lover’s utterances. On the other hand, in our eyes, this comedy takes on dark tones; the bright tone of the bold outings Petruccio’s tinged with restlessness, the slow but inexorable yielding of Caterina leads us to compare this story to the many that take place in the home of today, of our days.
In a game of specularity and opposites between the two couples, we try to dissect love in its unusual, wrong, false, pretentious or sick aspects, and to open a door to a change of direction: it is never too late to try authentic love “).

Saturday 16th July 9pm Conchiglia Theater: “And everything resumes its course”, Poetic Reading taken from Finestre by Marco Roverano, directed and dramaturgy by Carmen Falcone, the national premiere (a woman in her studio finds a collection of poems …. Torment and Love, dualism and Liguritudes that are intertwined in a passion of voices, images, dances, bodies, reflections, spirituality up to the final resignation of the awareness of love in any case, with all the joy, but also its pain).

A thousand ways of: Sunday 24 July 6 pm Boschetto della Chiesa di San Nicolò presentation of Case di Helena Molinari, but there will be references to Emma, ​​the writer’s first novel.
(Emma: in the labyrinth of emotions, between innocence and infidelity. As on a swing, oscillating between the desire for seclusion and homesickness, between the search for an unattainable fullness and the persistent horror of slipping into the void, between a present as consistent as a dream and the memories that come to life from the dream, between the innocence and infidelity of those you no longer know with certainty or what to associate with, Emma returns to visit the convent from which fifteen years earlier she had left and lets it re-emerge – and faces – emotions that he believed dormant. In the background Assisi and the timeless presence of Francis).
Case: “A short novel that begins almost in the dark and flows quickly between the doubts and insecurities of Chiara, the protagonist – said Davide Girlando in the introduction of the presentation -. This darkness slowly vanishes making us glimpse that light at the end of the tunnel, which always appears after the difficult moments of life. It is important how Helena has declined the term and the meaning of the word “Home”, offering various definitions to the reader “).
The author intervenes with the journalist Francesca Caporello.

Sunday 21 August 6 pm Torre dei Doganieri: “Woman is nature…. OniricaMente ”Photographic exhibition by the artist Micaela Gotelli (my name is Micaela and photographer Dreams, those that have become reality and those still in my heart. This is where the name of my Photo Studio“ OniricaMente ”comes from… right from dreams.
The term Onirico derives from the Greek Oniro which in ancient mythology was the name of the God of dreams.
OniricaMente is not just a brand or a logo but it is really me.
I see myself in this name for my way of feeling and seeing the world. It is our dreams that really say who we are and when I photograph I try to capture them in the people in front of me… ..). Until Sunday 4th September.
During the exhibition, meetings on the theme of Nature, Woman and motherhood.

A thousand ways of: Friday 2 September 6 pm Terrazza del Fico: “Sotto Sale” by Simona Albano (The collection “Sotto sale” was born from the fusion of two talents: the poetic one of Simona Albano and the pictorial one of Loredana Salzano. The liquid and telluric poems are interspersed with pictorial eruptions, whose immersion in verses and colors accompanies the reader on a completely unexpected multi-sensory journey. The work boasts a preface by the narrator and essayist Roberto Caracci, already a guest in the 2019 edition of Teatri di Levante “South of my flesh there it’s a hole of salt “.)
The author intervenes with the journalist Alessandra Fontana.

A short stop follows and then resumes the journey with two theater performances and two books.

Some anticipation:
Saturday 26 November 9 pm Sala Agave “La Papessa” with Beatrice Schiaffino (description and review after the debut in Rome:

Saturday 17th December 9 pm Sala Agave “The present absence” by and with Barbara Massa and Antonio Margiotta.
(The relationship between father and daughter is a complex relationship and it often happens that, in the period of adolescence, it explodes.
Where the spring of childhood ends and the body abandons the appearance of a child to become that of a woman, the family balance changes and “the father’s gaze” becomes a viaticum towards the conquest of life and sexuality or, vice versa, a cage, more or less morbid, where they end up closing their dreams.
There are presences that leave us alone for a lifetime and absences that hold us by the hand until the last breath.
Between presences that are hiding and absences that clutter “The Present Absence” tells the relationship between a father and a daughter, trying to walk the tortuous path that, sometimes, must make love to be fulfilled
When you scream and it is only the echo of your words that responds you either break the wall or you give up.
In a combination of ironic madness and dreamlike delirium this is the story of a girl who has not given up.)

We are aware that this is an ambitious and difficult program for the issues addressed.
The figure of the woman really offers various ideas but we wanted to deal with those that are slowly becoming an alarming obviousness. And with this awareness, even if we need support, we promote an admission at popular cost only for theater shows, so that everyone can access our proposals without sacrifice.
As far as books are concerned, I would like to underline the importance of reading and literature and that is why a separate section called A Thousand Modes of… was created. unlibroalmese (a choice resulting from a generous bequest: the prematurely deceased teacher friend Giorgio Bixio expressed his desire to leave part of his private library to the cultural association The Hub).

We trust in a large audience that has the desire to travel with us.

The 2022 edition of Teatri di LevanteE was born thinking about our territory and the candidacy for Tigullio 2024: every artist who intervenes has strong ties with the land of Liguria whose name is feminine, like the Woman.
Conceived and coordinated by Carmen Falcone, theater actress (but who does not disdain the big screen if necessary) and artistic director, this edition definitively cancels what until 2019 was simply a Review, to make room for a much wider project , distributed over the territory and over time: an itinerant “caravan” in search of beauty
(he says of himself: I had an extraordinary past, dotted with experiences, stages, sets of small and large screens….
A past that I would like to retrace again and probably in some cases make different decisions.
I came here by chance, and I was completely fascinated by these places, attracted by that sense of Liguritude I talk about so much …
I was born here, but it doesn’t mean anything to me. I don’t feel the sense of the roots, I don’t care, I feel like a gypsy of life…. I feel like a nomad constantly looking for dreams, dreams that have often come true and that I hope will still come true).

Seeking beauty… .. This is the meaning of culture and spirituality….
And I look for it anyway, and I rejoice every time I find it.

The 2022 edition of “teatri di Levante” is once again in search of beauty …
I looked for her in Woman and in her paths, I looked for her in everyday life ……. I looked for her especially in these places with the Women of Liguria … ..
Who knows if I succeeded….
We will find out by traveling together from July 1st to December 17th ….)

Educating in Beauty means educating in culture.
Let’s hold hands.

Women and paths …


Sestri: Theaters of Levante, the program – LevanteNews