MP strengthens articulation of key actors against human trafficking at the border

MP strengthens articulation of key actors against human trafficking at the border

EL NUEVO DIARIO, MONTECRISTI.- The Public Prosecutor’s Office, through the Special Prosecutor’s Office Against Illicit Smuggling of Immigrants and Human Trafficking (PETT), held a strategic meeting in Montecristi to strengthen actions against human trafficking in the border area , in conjunction with the Judiciary and with the support of the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

The “Strategic Meeting to Strengthen the Network of Prosecutors, Judges, and Key Actors to Combat Human Trafficking in the Border Area” was aimed at strengthening the system, with the aim of identifying current problems in the northern part of the border and create standardized work groups for the identification and referral of victims of human trafficking.

In addition, the meeting, which was held within the framework of the “Multi-Country Border Security Program in Jamaica, Haiti and the Dominican Republic” (MCBS) financed by the European Union through the European Development Fund (EDF). ), had the purpose of creating support networks that allow the strengthening of the different institutions that make up the justice system in the region.

Yoanna Bejarán Álvarez (Photo: External source)

The head of the Specialized Prosecutor for Trafficking and Trafficking, court attorney Yoanna Bejarán Álvarez, highlighted the need to constantly strengthen the tools and capacities of judicial actors in the face of the challenge of combating this type of crime.

Also, he encouraged those present to report these crimes and highlighted that his management has launched a strategic plan, with long, short and medium-term actions, to make the prevention and prosecution of trafficking crimes and trafficking in persons more efficient. country.

At the opening ceremony of this meeting, which was held at the Montecristi Palace of Justice, where the welcoming words were given by Judge Arleny Miguelina Cabral Then, coordinator of the Montecristi Judicial Department, who expressed her gratitude for the initiative to carry out this type of meeting and the massive attendance of the participants.

When delivering the certificates of participation, the head of the PETT, Yoanna Bejarán, and the magistrate Arleny Miguelina Cabral Then pointed out “that human trafficking takes many different forms, that it is dynamic and adaptable and that, like other so many forms of criminal activity, it is constantly changing, in order to circumvent the prevention work of law enforcement agencies.”

The activity included the authorities of the provinces that make up the coastline of the northern border area, represented by prosecutors, judges and key actors, as well as police officers, representatives of the Specialized Corps for Land Border Security (Cesfront), civil society with representatives of the Neighborhood associations, the National Council for Children and Adolescents (Conani), the Montecristi Children and Adolescents Prosecutor’s Office and civil governors of the different provinces, under the general coordination of the PETT and the Judiciary, represented by a coordinator of the Judicial Department of Montecristi.

Likewise, it had the participation of Mrs. María Paredes, OIM assistance coordinator, who presented the program of the activity, the objectives and the expected results, in addition to thanking the PETT and the Judiciary for having organized the event in a timely manner.

Kenya Romero (Photo: External Source)

The speaker Kenya Romero, who is a judge of the Seventh Investigative Court of the National District, highlighted the generalities of human trafficking, its differences with the smuggling of migrants and the Palermo Protocol, as well as the protocols for assistance to victims.

Ms. Gina Gallardo, an expert in migration and trafficking, highlighted the role of security agents in dealing with this crime and the importance of identifying these cases and their referral to the competent authority.

Gina Gallardo (Photo: External Source)

In March of this year, the authorities held a similar work meeting in the Barahona province, where members of the Judiciary, the National Police and the Provincial Government participated, who addressed various issues related to the effective combat of this crime.

MP strengthens articulation of key actors against human trafficking at the border