Marion Cotillard elegant and bankable, these proposed millions, the reason for her flight to LA

If Marion Cotillard made the decision to spend more and more time in Los Angeles, where she would have acquired a residence at more than 5 million dollars, it would be to give a new boost to her American career.

And she could take her children with her, much to the regret of Guillaume Canet, “far away” from his treasures. On the spot, she could touch a big jackpot.

“Chosen by James Gray, Woody Allen, Christopher Nolan, Michael Mann, Xavier Dolan… and even heroine of the blockbuster Assassin’s Creed”, the Oscar-winning actress conquered the box office.
It is indeed still in demand, perhaps much more than in France. She will be appearing in two American films in the coming months.

And that would have decided her to give priority to her American career, even if we will find her in February next as Cleopatra in “Asterix and Obelix, the middle empire”, directed by Guillaume Canet.
“As elegant as it is bankable, the 47-year-old chic icon has also become a Chanel ambassador,” insists Closer magazine, hinting implicitly that this is the reason why she would feel so good in Los Angeles.
Under the Californian sun, she can lead a relatively serene life, and would be mentally available “to finally devote herself fully to her American career”.

In addition, the stamps she receives in the United States, they are not of the same level as in France.

Marion Cotillard elegant and bankable, these proposed millions, the reason for her flight to LA