Manfrè’s Confession at the Donnafugata Castle, 20 actors for 20 spectators

La Confessione, a cult show by director Walter Manfrè, is a real “theatrical invention” that has enjoyed great critical and public success since its debut.

A “Copernican revolution”, it was then defined, which brought to the stage the “Theater of the Person”, that is the complex of strategies with which the director brings the viewer closer to the plot narrated by the actor: the story – here the sin – penetrates the head and in the heart of the listener, to the point of making them responsible.

“Ten actors and ten actresses – explains Walter Manfrè – they confess to ten spectators and ten spectators whispering in their ears twenty texts, written on commission for the event, by generous contemporary Italian playwrights: the effect is disruptive and success, up to now, guaranteed.

But the edition of the Donnafugata Castle, produced by Liberarte di Comiso with unequivocal courage and will, is very particular both for the suggestion of the location and for the curiosity of the public who will immerse themselves in a tunnel of artistic beauty that leads straight to the oneiric.

A big thank you to the Councilor Clorinda Arezzo, tireless engine and passionate about cultural news, who wants to give the Hyblean summer a moment of extreme synthesis between Theater and artistic heritage, of great intelligence ”.

The debut is set for September 7, 2022 at 9 pm. The reruns will continue every evening at the Donnafugata Castle until September 17, at 9 pm. For reservations call 333 98 83 389.

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Manfrè’s Confession at the Donnafugata Castle, 20 actors for 20 spectators