Indigenous women, women resisting, the struggle for land is already flourishing

By María Pía Ceballos, a representative from Salta of the Mujeres Trans Argentina (MTA) organization, was one of the first Salta women to obtain a change of gender identity on her DNI. She is a member of the Salta Women’s Multisectoral Association. She is a social technician with a diploma in Public Policies with an orientation in State Territorial Management and was one of the directors of the Observatory of Violence against Women in Salta.

From May 22 to 25, we indigenous women and diversities convened for good living, gathered on the slopes of Tahuantinsuyu, of the kollasuyu, at the entrance of the Diaguitas Calchaquíes valleys, in Chicoana, province of Salta.

In the sharing of the third Indigenous Parliament, there was the participation of more than 250 women sisters and diversities of the indigenous peoples of this land: AvaGuaraní, Aymara, Chané, Charrúa, Chorote, Chulupí, Diaguita, Guaycurú, Huarpe, Kolla, Lule, Mapuche , Moqoit, Purépecha, Qom, Quechua, Ranquel, Simba Guarani, Tapiete, Weenhayek, Wichi.

In this self-convened and self-managed way, we state that we are certain that our union and organization as indigenous women and diversities constitute the basis of good living. They worked in commissions, different problems were addressed, each sister could take the floor in her native language and it was translated for everyone to share. The ancestral spirituality, the daily ceremonies and the gratitude to the Pachamama for the wisdom and the objectives achieved for the great struggle for our indigenous children and the eradication of violence from the territories.

In this way, the work of the conclusions was embodied in a document of enforceability, of ultimatum to the State that has remained an accomplice of crimes such as “chineo”, and that has also reinforced impunity through its indifference. This aberrant practice of sexual violence against our children must end and, for this reason, our “#BastaDeChineo” campaign assumes a new stage of fighting for “#AboliciónDelChineoYa” and for this we have agreed on the following:

1. That chineo be declared and typified as a hate crime, and thus reach the maximum penalties and without obtaining benefits, such as parole or sentence reduction. We understand Chinese as a systemic criminal, racist and colonial practice.

2. That it be declared as an imprescriptible crime.

3. That companies that have employees who have committed this aberration be held responsible and disqualified from working in indigenous territories.

4. That police, gendarmes and/or military personnel who violate indigenous children be prosecuted, sentenced and dishonorably discharged.

5. That religious institutions and groups that operate in indigenous territory and are complicit in these criminal practices be expelled and condemned.

6. That public officials be judged and sentenced without exception and without recognition of privileges, as well as the traditional authorities of the Indigenous Peoples who are executors of these practices, accomplices or facilitators of the same.

7. The seizure of all the assets of the violators, with assets to meet the economic containment and recovery of the victim.

8. Economic sanction to the Argentine State, for the creation of a prevention, recovery and support fund for the victims of chineo, administered by the Movement of Indigenous Women for Good Living.

We understand and maintain that the main person responsible for these criminal practices continuing for more than 200 years has been the Argentine State itself, which in none of its successive governments has generated condemnation mechanisms or produced legal instruments for the prevention and treatment of crimes. Chinese cases.

9. To deactivate the scenarios of complicity that generate this crime, the mechanisms for dialogue and representation between the Indigenous Peoples and the State must be reformulated. Thus, from now on, women must be the receivers and administrators of food and social assistance programs, since many chiefs and leading indigenous men take advantage of this place of power to sexually humiliate and subjugate girls and young people from their own community. .

10. We demand that the accessories and accessories are also condemned and with the same scale as the material actors.

11. Preparation of protocols with the participation and consultation of women and indigenous diversities. For purposes to be applied in institutions, both of the National State and in each of the provinces and municipalities, such as educational, health, justice, and security institutions.

These are not slogans, they are banners of struggles, and that today we trans women, transvestites and indigenous diversities raise up, understanding the union of our forces to say with fury transvestite enough of chineo, which is a systematic criminal, racist and colonial practice. It is one more expression of the Terricide imposed centuries ago. We must fight until these violations of indigenous children are abolished. “The messages from the territories cannot silence him, because in his cry he lives and leads a great ancestral force, a force that is born from within, feels freedom, to continue resisting together, nothing is going to silence us.” (Telam)

Indigenous women, women resisting, the struggle for land is already flourishing