Inclusive growth for poverty eradication and sustainable development for peace

Centesimus Annus
Photo: Centesimus Annus

“Inclusive growth to eradicate poverty and promote sustainable development and peace” this is discussed for three days in the annual conference of the Centesimuns Annus Foundation at the Palazzo della Cancelleria in Rome. Lhe Foundation aims to examine all the different dimensions of poverty. “In our time – explain the organizers – we must face the poverty caused by economic, climatic, digital, spiritual, educational, health situations. A very complex set of difficult situations, but which must be addressed and resolved urgently”.

The idea is to study but also to realize multiple and complex economic-social dynamics.

The Foundation since 1993 “is committed to dealing with the real world by carrying out the mission of spreading the knowledge of the Christian Social Doctrine among people qualified for their entrepreneurial and professional responsibility, involving them in making themselves actors and actresses in the concrete application of the Magisterium social”.

The works are inspired by the thought of John Paul II who in the encyclical Centesimus Annus writes: “[È] I note that there are many other forms of poverty, especially in modern society, not only economic, but also cultural and spiritual ”. The words of Pope francesco in the Message for Lent of 2014 writes “Modernity has to deal with three types of” indigence “. Poverty is much worse because it involves a situation “without faith, without support, without hope”.

Of course “economic growth is fundamental for the eradication of poverty” but we need an inclusive economy that can “generate decent jobs and offer opportunities to all segments of society, especially the most disadvantaged, in order to distribute the profits of the prosperity more equitably “. The International Conference aims to “strengthen the Foundation’s commitment to the study and research of new models of economic and social development, inspired by Catholic social doctrine (…) What can be done today, concretely, to build a more just society and eradicate Poverty? To answer this question, experts from different parts of the world have been called upon to confront each other, who will address various specific issues: the real situation of the different dimensions of poverty; the new forms of poverty; concrete actions to pursue an inclusive economy; solidarity, subsidiarity and sustainability in tackling poverty; the role of governments and institutions in combating poverty; agricultural markets and food value chain for inclusion and sustainability “.

The proceedings will open on Thursday 6 October at 15:00 and on Saturday 8 there will be the private audience granted by Pope Francis.

Inclusive growth for poverty eradication and sustainable development for peace