How to find your dream job with astrology

Finding your dream job is certainly not easy, not only due to the complex current job market, but also because in many cases it is difficult. recognize their talents and natural proclivities that would make it easier to identify a career that’s actually right for you.

Don’t worry, astrology comes to your rescue. If you are aware of your natal chart, you will have noticed that four corners are highlighted in the map: the first, the best known, is certainly the Ascendant, representative of one’s person and one’s attitudes; opposite to the Ascendant there is the Descendant, representative of the couple dynamics that you establish in life; in the upper part of the diagram you will find instead the Midheaven. This point is indicative of one’s aspirations, of the way in which one realizes oneself in life and, in general, it is possible to associate it withapproach a person has to his career, along with its fields of interest. The sign in which it is found can therefore provide excellent clues on the ideal career path, to find one that is satisfactory and adequate to one’s abilities.

Clearly, in order to be able to make specific and in-depth considerations, it is still necessary to evaluate a series of other points relating to the career in the Birth Chart, after all astrology is always a work of synthesis. A professional astrologer would also take into consideration the possible presence of planets in the 10th house, the position of the planets that govern the Midheaven, together with the 6th house, which concerns the daily work, therefore what one deals with in practice. It takes a little practice to be able to summarize everything, but in this article you will find some pointers for start understanding your midheaven and the planet that rules itperhaps discovering hidden talents, simply because you are looking at yourself from another perspective.

How to interpret the Midheaven to find your dream job

Horoscope and work: Aries

With a Midheaven in Aries we often talk about people with a strong entrepreneurial spirit, who want to realize themselves only thanks to their own efforts. There is a lot of ambition and, often, they find themselves working in very competitive environments. There are strong leadership skills in this configuration, but for this reason it is difficult to accept orders and directions from the boss or contact person. On the other hand, this Midheaven can become a great leader if he learns to collaborate and it is not unusual to see him open your own business.

Also observe where it is Mars in your Natal chart: the sign in which it is found can be indicative of your attitude at work, the House in which it is located indicates a context in which you can find an impetus to realize your ambitions.

Horoscope and work: Taurus

With a Midheaven in Taurus stable and safe careers are often sought, ideally to be pursued over the years. This type of person is not frightened by prolonged efforts, as long as there are always concrete and visible results. One of the determining factors in the choice of profession is often the salary, not for a materialistic issue, but to make the right investments in the long term. It may be moving towards careers with a very material aspect, such as crafts or gardening, but often the professions chosen are in the fields of fashion, art or luxury.

Notice where it is Venus in your natal chart, the sign says a lot about what interests you, while the house it is in can help you identify those contexts in which to find support.

Horoscope and work: Gemini

With a Midheaven in Gemini the ideal career is full of stimuli and variation: characterized by a strong flexibility, it often happens to carry out several jobs at the same time, or you are oriented towards those contexts that allow you to deal with something different every day. The point is to have the opportunity to express your ideas, for this it would be ideal a path as a researcher, teacher, journalist or in communication, perhaps as a copywriter.

The position of Mercury in the natal chart it will be key to identifying specific inclinations: the sign in which it is found can help you understand the communicative style that distinguishes you, the house in which it is located indicates the field of interest to which you can turn.

Horoscope and work: Cancer

With a Midheaven in Cancer generally you want to connect with other people, or fill a role that somehow invokes a sense of home and familiarity. Sometimes he takes over the family business, other times he works in architecture or interior design, in some cases he deals directly with others by becoming nurses or curators, or working in hospitality. The options are different and depend mainly on the position of the moon in the Birth Chart: the sign in which it is found tells the values ​​that are most dear to you, while the House in which it is located is the context in which you tend to operate.

Horoscope and work: Leo

With a Midheaven in Leo career must be a vehicle for personal expression. For this reason, people are generally very inclined as performers, actors or creatives. In general, we aim to be recognized for the contribution that we give to our professional field so, even when we are not strictly involved in creative professions, we are talking about individuals with great ambition. Managerial skills are often recognized, because one is able to encourage employees to give their best. The real obstacle, however, is being able to believe in one’s talent regardless of external validation.

The location of the Sun it will be key in outlining the path to take: the sign in which it is located are the talents to be put into play, while the House in which it is located indicates the area in which it is possible to stand out.

Horoscope and work: Virgo

With a Midheaven in Virgo usually there is a tendency to hyper-specialize in a sector, especially by cultivating technical skills that have an immediate application. The goal is to do something useful for the lives of others, while often staying behind the scenes, and you are very skilled at working on the small details. In this case we are talking about people who are dedicated to health care, or who deal with the organization and management of data, such as accountants or assistants. Given the particular attention to detail, they often also become excellent editors.

Since these are very versatile skills and people who learn quickly, the position of Mercury it will be indicative of the more specific options: the sign in which it is found indicates the mental abilities you put into play, the House the area to which you can dedicate yourself.

Horoscope and work: Libra

With a Midheaven in Libra their diplomatic and interpersonal skills should be highlighted. He gives his best when working as a team and, often, he is very apt for public relations management, for a consultancy activity or in representative positions. In other cases, you may be successful in professions that allow you to exercise your aesthetic sense, as in the case of a job in art or culture.

The position of Venus in the natal chart it helps to address the ideal context: the sign in which it is found tells the way in which you relate to collaborators and the house in which it is located can indicate an area for which you are particularly suited.

Horoscope and work: Scorpio

With a Midheaven in Scorpio there are often strong observation skills: they are people able to go deeper and look beyond what is immediately visible, for this reason they are often interested in investigative professions, perhaps in police and criminology, or in research. In many cases there is a side of one’s career connected to psychology, which also relies on the ability to read the messages hidden in the expression of others.

There is often a rather stubborn attitude, once a goal has been decided the Midheaven in Scorpio will do everything to achieve it, but the position of Mars it is an essential element: the sign in which it is found indicates the elements by which one is motivated, while the House in which it is located the area in which to direct one’s efforts.

Horoscope and work: Sagittarius

With a Midheaven in Sagittarius there is a fundamental desire for freedom and to learn something new every day in one’s work context. Among all, it is the configuration that would benefit most from a freelance career, but it is also often suited to professions involving travel and tourism, publishing, foreign languages. With an optimistic attitude, the Midheaven in Sagittarius looks far and wants to broaden its range of action, so its path can change quite often.

The position of Jupiter in the Birth Chart it is very important: the sign in which it is found indicates the values ​​that inspire you and push you forward, the House in which the context in which you want to grow and apply is located.

Horoscope and work: Capricorn

With a Midheaven in Capricorn career is often one of the areas treated with the greatest regard. Not everyone will immediately have a clear goal to achieve, but once defined they will know how to achieve it with diligence and constancy. The strong sense of duty leads this type of people to choose more traditional work contexts and with a clear hierarchy, over time they can also aim for managerial and organizational positions, especially in engineering.

Typically, however, the Midheaven in Capricorn will begin to be satisfied with their results later than the others, this is because it is linked to the cycle of Saturn, which has the slowest motion of all the planets. The sign in which Saturn is located indicates the values ​​you want to defend, but with which you most often find yourself clashing, while the House in which it is located speaks of the sector in which you can build, but which will take time and hard work to master.

Horoscope and work: Aquarius

With a Midheaven in Aquarius you want to innovate your working environment, whatever it is. There is often a particular propensity for technological fields, or for professions that are based on sociology, the analysis of trends and systems, perhaps even for social media management. He is not afraid to throw himself into those professions that are still new and in the making, but the most important thing will always be to find a way to develop his own distinctive approach, even in those more conventional contexts.

Often, for the Midheaven in Aquarius, one’s career is a long work in progress, so it is important to note where it is Saturn in the natal chart: the sign in which it is found is the bearer of the values ​​to be analyzed and made its own, possibly recognizing the mistakes made in the past, while the house in which it is located is the context that needs to be renovated.

Horoscope and work: Pisces

With a Midheaven in Pisces there is often the desire to create and give something to others, even when this happens with little tangible means. They are people who tend to apply themselves in music, poetry, cinema or photography, or who insert an element linked to spirituality in their profession. With this desire to help, they can become excellent coaches or therapists, although they will have to learn to set clear boundaries at work and with others. Better to avoid professions that require a strong attention to detail and prefer, rather, versatile contexts in which to exercise your imagination.

The position of Jupiter it will be key to understanding the specific trend of your career path: the sign in which you find yourself can say a lot about the attitude you bring to the workplace, if you prefer a more stable career or if you tend to change it very often; the House in which it is located instead indicates the area from which to draw inspiration.

How to find your dream job with astrology