Grand Quest “Heroic Creation” (II)

In the previous installment we launched an idea based on addressing the issue of socialist creation in each territorial area with its dissimilar characteristics that make up and make up the particularity of each geo-human concentration. We also said that it is necessary to articulate the “creative powers of the people”, to remember the poet Aquiles Nazoa. This generates an activity that involves all areas of life itself: the economy, culture, education, etc, etc. The clash will be between the dictatorship of capitalism in these areas, which imposes an elitist vision, and the socialist-Chavista vision of popular empowerment. Empowerment is not possible without the power of knowledge, without the power of information and without the power of organization… In this way: knowledge-information-training and empowerment go hand in hand with the Chavista socialist concept.

Some will scream to heaven and try to explain that what we say is wrong. What Chavista socialist theory will they say?! But, to those we will say that Chávez gave socialism a real historical connection between all the processes of struggle, and as Marx said, “the history of humanity is the history of the class struggle”, in that long history of class struggle, Chávez managed to connect the battles that range from Christ the Redeemer to our days, going through the indigenous resistance, the uprising of the blacks with José Leonardo Chirinos, independence and the deepening and interpretation that Bolívar gave him, who understood the process of social war unleashed in the country from 1812, with Bóves el urugallo, who waged a war against the Mantuan power, obviously representative of a ruling class, unfortunately manipulated in the historical context by the Spanish empire, but the wise of the Boves’s strength, without a doubt, was in the class struggle. Bolívar understood this, after suffering defeats and the fall of the first and second republics, but Bolívar also knew that it was necessary to elevate the political proposal of that struggle of the poor to turn it into a struggle against an empire. Then his ideas were betrayed and that social war, after his death in 1830, emerged from the hand of Zamora with his slogan of Land and Free Men and Horror to the oligarchy. The betrayal ends with Zamora’s life and his revolutionary project and the oligarchy emerges triumphant until the arrival of Chavez.

The contribution of Simón Rodríguez, beyond the formation of Bolívar, is precisely in raising the need to develop from our entrails a just society, then republican, today socialism. That is why it is so important to address the Chavista economic-productive issue, where we have enough of the commander’s ideological deployment and that leads us to the need to consolidate and unite the great national spirituality that is capable of overcoming centuries of domination by the world elites of our economy, education and general culture. That is why they imposed on us a single oil supplier model, allow me the word single supplier, but that is what we did until the arrival of the revolution and time after. The 2002 coup against Chávez was triggered by the “taking of the hill,” a Chavista plan to take over PDVSA, rather than the land law that brought it into vogue, although also for this reason.

The empire knew very well what it had to do in the world to maintain its hegemony, stopping Russia until it collapsed, weakening and slowing down the development of China, and for this it had Venezuelan oil in its hands. This was stopped by the glorious event of 4F and 27N of 1992 and the revolution took political power from 1999, however, a power achieved with the immense articulating capacity of Chávez who was able to join multiple sectors of national life in that remembered patriotic pole. Today we need to reissue a patriotic pole that materializes independence and national sovereignty in the economic-productive sphere. There are other scenarios but the strategic remains the same, the battle against imperialist capitalism.

The technological and scientific development of the country cannot be postponed, for this creation is essential and the accumulation of human, political, cultural, idiosyncratic, economic and historical resources form part of the center of the battle.

The other great battle will have to be waged by the PSUV in its structures with an impeccable formation and deployment of socialist ideas. Maduro, Diosdado and the staff seem to be very clear on that. Now, the entire country is not from the PSUV, but that part of the country that is not from the PSUV or the forces of the patriotic pole does not have to be an enemy of the revolution either. In this order of ideas, it is necessary to expand the radius of action towards all patriots, from all sectors and consolidate the great spiritual national plan that unites us in the task of building a power that will surely spread beyond its borders. This requires the formation of a group of cadres who are capable of interpreting this historical moment and who have sufficient training to create the viability of a project that transcends borders, but in a Bolivarian concept, not a dominant imperialist but rather a liberator of other peoples. .

This will collide with the visions of important economic groups that operate in the imperialist criterion of handing over the nation in exchange for protection and part of the cake, these groups will never support us, however, we do not have to wear ourselves out with them in an eternal fight either. , the world is very wide and the strength of the country is also the strength of its actors in a world that needs to change from a to z in all aspects of life. The sum of wills, the unifying capacity is vital to succeed, Chávez demonstrated, rescue and systematize this as a theory for revolutionary action, that is, Chavism is revolutionary theory for revolutionary practice and we must understand it that way. Now, that must be systematized and made into a living theory of national action.

Grand Quest “Heroic Creation” (II)